Dear Diary, <3
What a dayyy, what a week!! It's been very exciting here at Tiny Box, I think my (not very) sneaky Valentine's Day plans were a success... :D
The sticker trail defo worked well, I mean it wasn't very subtle or sneaky so I don't think Big Moo was ever ever going to not take the hint, but it can be hard to tell sometimes though right!! Sometimes the not very cunning plans are the best ones! <3
I'm also glad I managed NOT to accidentally print 'Big Moo <3' on a bag, imagine my embarrassment if I had!! Would never have recovered! But will need to think of all the other things I can print now... wedding favour bags??? (Must not get ahead of myself but you never know what can happen!) We shall see...
OMG I just remembered that Mother's Day is soon... no no I CANNOT start thinking I'll be getting a card or present from Big Moo's daughter Little Moo... I'm not a stepmum yet! Who knows if I'm ready... no no no will not think too much about that rn...
Need to get back to it and focus on printing!! With Mother's Day and Easter coming up I'll be busy busy busy, not to mention all the usual bags I'm printing with lovely logos and fabulous full colour designs, it's all so exciting!
Year is going so quickly.. what a year!!
Bertha xoxo